Nikki Hall went off on Pauly D on social media after the finale of MTV’s A Double Shot at Love aired on June 27. While they seemed to have a connection during the series, he dumped her and fellow finalist Derynn Paige and decided to fly solo. Nikki then went public with texts [SEEN HERE] from him where he claimed that he loved her, posting them to Twitter before deleting them. That totally shocked the 38-year-old reality star. “Pauly D is surprised at the way Nikki is acting with her public bashing of him as he didn’t do anything to her. Pauly was never that into Nikki Hall in the first place so doesn’t really consider her an ex,” a source close to the production tells EXCLUSIVELY.
One text Nikki shared allegedly from Pauly read, “You don’t have to change a single cell in ur mind or body. I love u just the way u are.” In a since deleted tweet she wrote “This is completely outside of my character but for someone to sit there and act like this s*** was one-sided… ” Nikki wrote according to The Blast. She continued, “I did nothing to this man but love him and he was OK with it. And I’m crazy? Give me a f***ing break! I’ve had it!!” and then came the texts.
“Pauly did go into the show trying to take it seriously, but he never fell in love. He had a great time on Shot At Love and is thankful he got to experience it with his best friend Vinny (Guadagnino), but he’s not focusing on a relationship or the show anymore now that it’s over. He’s going to enjoy his summer DJ’ing and is excited to focus his attention now on Jersey Shore. He’s not necessarily looking for love at this time,” our insider continues.
Nikki posted more tweets after the show’s finale aired, including one that read “In his own way, he loved me. I know because he told me. But my motives and emotions were constantly questioned because the last time he really gave his heart to someone it got broken & somewhere along the line he gave up on the idea that he deserved to feel this way again.”
“I think he did me a favor and set me free…” she continued. “I will never give up on love but I think I’m gonna hold onto my heart for a little while until I’m ready again to give my love to a man who will claim my genuine emotions as passion instead of ‘too much’ and ‘too intense.’” She still seems upset, as on June 30 she tweeted “Heartbreak changes you.”
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