Selena Gomez is on fire with her red carpet fashion when it comes to promoting her new film The Dead Don’t Die. She managed to top her Cannes white bra top gown at the New York premiere of the film on June 10, arriving to the sound of mouths dropping at how fantastic she looked. The 26-year-old wore one of the most plunging mini-dresses she’s rocked in ages, donning a black strapless frock by Celine that showed off plenty of cleavage thanks to the push-up nature of the top.
The shoulder to elbow length sleeves featured giant plumes of black feathery material while her above the knee hemline showcased the “Back To You” singer’s amazing legs. She wore open toed mule pumps and kept her accessories to a minimum as to let the dress — and her killer body — get all of the attention. She wore diamond chain drop earrings and several diamond rings on her left hand, but avoided any necklaces as her decollitage looked to great.
Sel wore her hair up in a high back bun with sexy tendrils dropping down the side of her face. Thanks to her glam squad, we always get previews of what her look is before she hits an event, and her makeup artist Hung Vanngo shared an Instagram video after he applied her perfect peach lip and cheek. Selena moved her head back and forth in a seductive way as Nat King Cole‘s “When I Fall In Love” could be heard playing in the background.
Before she left her hotel after she finished getting ready, Selena knew just how great she looked and was in a bubbly mood. Her nail artist Tom Bachik posted an Instagram video of Selena fully made up and she was playfully asked where she was going and Selena smiled, did a few sexy turns for the camera and said “I’m going to my movie premiere” in a giddy voice before letting out a hearty laugh. It’s so great to see Selena in such great spirits and looking better than ever.
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