Gal Gadot, 34, always brings her fashion A-game on the red carpet and she took things to a whole new level at the 2019 Met Gala on May 6. From the moment Gal stepped out onto the Met Gala red carpet, all eyes were on her. This was her first-ever Met Gala. Gal wowed in a sheer white lace dress that featured a cape and had on a black bodysuit underneath. Her look is definitely giving off major angel vibes.
She paired her white mini dress with black thigh-high boots. The actress accessorized with a stunning pearl headpiece. Gal kept her makeup simple and beautiful. The Wonder Woman 1984 star certainly knows how to work a red carpet. This is how you make your Met Gala debut.
Some of Gal’s most memorable red carpet looks so far include her sparkling red dress at the Wonder Woman premiere, her sequined silver gown at the 2018 Oscars, and that plunging silver dress at the 2018 Critics’ Choice Awards. The actress loves to sparkle on the red carpet, that’s for sure. Before she was an actress, Gal was a model. She also won the 2004 Miss Israel beauty pageant.
Gal just wrapped up filming for the highly-anticipated Wonder Woman sequel, Wonder Woman 1984. She returns to the role of the iconic female superhero and will square off with Cheetah, played by Kristen Wiig. Chris Pine is also returning as Steve Trevor. The movie is set to be released on June 5, 2020.
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