Four months after her lavish three days of wedding celebrations to Nick Jonas, actress Priyanka Chopra is still a blushing bride. The 36-year-old hit up the Clubhouse on March 21 for Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen and couldn’t stop gushing about her hubby. During a game of “I Do’s and I Don’ts,” Priyanka was beyond quick with her answer when Andy asked if she and Nick used sexting or FaceTime sex during long periods apart. Almost as soon as the question was out of his mouth she gave a confident “for sure!” response. Well okay then! Good to know how these two keep their sex life poppin’ when they’re not in the same place.
Next up was if she ever helped Nick manscape the hair on his sexy body and she gave a sad “no” before perking up and revealing she did get to shave the hair on the back of his neck once. Oh well, at least that’s something. Then Andy got Priyanka to dish on which of Nick’s brothers gave the better wedding gift, it turned out to be a tie. “The good news is Kevin got us hundreds of bottles of wine and Joe gave us an amazing fridge that looks like a car to put it all in so it kind of worked out,” the former Quantico star revealed. Andy joked that “bro’s work together” and Priyanka sweetly responded “especially these JoBros.”
Priyanka revealed that Nick cried as soon as he saw her for the first time in her custom Ralph Lauren wedding gown, and that his tears caused her to get the waterworks as well. But it didn’t come with a little bit of stress first. “I had a freakout moment right before I walked down the aisle. I was 40 minutes late, I had a 75 foot train, ‘do I even known what I’m doing?’ It was a full freakout moment. But then the door opened and I saw his face and” she smiled and made a tear falling down her face gesture with her finger. Awww!
Andy even brought up how he once tried to get Nick and Priyanka to be a couple back in 2017 after the two attended the Met Gala together on behalf of Burberry. While they weren’t yet a couple, Andy played a clip where he pressed her on if they were dating. “We didn’t have time yet, maybe the next time we meet?” she replied during the May of 2017 WWHL appearance. At the time her fellow guest star was Sebastian Stan and Andy admitted he tried to hook the two of them up, but his comments about Nick helped set things in motion for Priyanka. “You willed it. You were the person that got me really uncomfortable about it. Usually I get away with it,” she revealed, referring to Andy’s questions about Nick from two years ago. Hey, he was definitely onto something because now Priyanka and Nick are married!
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