After giving birth to baby Davis, Star ends up putting everything she’s worked so hard for at risk. “Star’s tendencies, unfortunately, persist even after she’s had the baby,” Jude Demorest told HollywoodLife EXCLUSIVELY ahead of the March 13 spring premiere of Star. “So she gets caught up in some drama at the hospital and she winds up in jail. Hopefully, Star gets freed soon but you know I can’t tell you.” Being in jail separates Star from her baby, and that separation is going to weigh on the new mom. “It would be enough if Star just had to learn how to be a new mother and a new artist at the same time, but now you throw in being separated from her son and she’s trying to learn how to be a mother without being there, so it does break her in a way.”
Jude noted that the rest of season 3 features Star dealing “with isolation and loneliness more than we’ve ever seen. That can do a lot of damage to people. That can be hard to overcome, and Star will be battling that for the next few episodes to come.” Noah will be taking on full-time daddy duties, but recovering from that nasty car accident and his drug addiction could pose problems and Star knows that. “I think that Star’s biggest fear in life is her history repeating itself with her child,” Jude continued. “Her child not having the family that she wanted. Star’s biggest fear is giving her child the life that she had growing up and that included a parent who was an addict and a parent who abandoned her. I think she’s afraid of Noah’s addiction tendencies and of her own narcissistic tendencies getting in the way of her baby having the best parents he can have. It’s going to be hard for her to stomach having to see her baby go through some of the things that she went through.”
In addition to being separated from her newborn baby, Star is also trying to deal with the fallout from the reveal that Jackson is not Davis’s biological father. Star and Jackson’s relationship fell apart in the wake of the baby bombshell, but Jude has hope that Star and Jackson will be able to “build a friendship” eventually. As far as her music career goes, Star’s going to be struggling with that, too. “There’s going to be a huge obstacle for Star as far as her music goes when the season comes back. After having her child, she wants so badly to provide for him. She wants so badly to make it and continue to have success and she’s very afraid of becoming a one-hit wonder. She’s very afraid of not being able to rise above all the obstacles that have been thrown at her and continue to thrive as an artist. It’s really difficult for her to balance all of those facets of her life. So we’re really going to see Star struggle more with artistry and her music than we ever have before. We’ve never seen Star have to fight this hard to sing before.” Star season 3 airs Wednesdays at 9 p.m. on FOX.
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