‘Grey’s Anatomy’ Recap: Link & Meredith Grow Closer & He Opens Up About His Past

Brace yourselves, Team DeLuca fans. Link and Meredith bonded on the Jan. 24 episode of 'Grey's Anatomy,' and he revealed a shocking detail about his past for the first time.

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Teddy really needs a job. Like, NEEDS ONE ASAP. She comes to the hospital and spills to Bailey what’s going on with her and Owen. Bailey doesn’t have time for this and sends Teddy to Karev. Teddy wants to figure everything out and get things in order, but Owen’s not ready to face the music. It’s just a “crap situation” all around, as he says. He’s trying to make everyone happy, but Amelia’s pushing him away.

Team DeLuca fans are out of luck this week, because this episode is all about Link. Meredith does not see eye-to-eye with Link throughout the day. Meredith can’t believe Jo thought she and Link would make a good match. Meredith is too hard on Link, especially during a surgery. The lady doth protest too much methinks! Link holds his own with Meredith, especially when he says, “I didn’t know part of my job was convincing you that I belong here.” Later, Link offers to help Meredith with Billy’s birthday party. He saves Meredith and is a hit with the kids. They think he’s Thor! They’re not totally off base. He opens up about his past and talks about having cancer as a kid. Now he lives life to the fullest and doesn’t let stress run his life.

As he’s about to head into surgery, the anesthesiologist accidentally anesthetizes Owen! He collapses on the floor. Teddy is instantly by Owen’s side. Teddy talks to Owen at his bedside. “I didn’t set out to hurt anyone,” she says. Teddy wants Owen to stop making everything her fault. She’s even thinking about moving back to Germany. Owen doesn’t want that. He’s ready to take some sacrifice and gives Teddy his job!

Katherine is back and things are still fraught between her, Jackson, Richard, and even Meredith. She fires Meredith from her team! Maggie just wants Katherine, Jackson, and Richard to talk it all out. You never know what life has in store. “You can waste a lot of time waiting for the right moment,” she tells Bailey. After an important surgery doesn’t end up like Katherine expected, everyone lets their anger out. Jackson and Richard are pissed she didn’t tell them about her anger. She breaks down, saying that talking about it just makes the reality more real. They comfort her. All is well again.

Owen finally has a heart-to-heart with Amelia about the reality of his situation. “I am having a baby with Teddy, and I have a real family with you,” he says. He doesn’t “want to do any of it without you… I don’t need time. I need you.” The ball is in Amelia’s court. “What took you so long?” she asks. They walk away from the hospital together with their arms around each other.

As Owen and Amelia are reconciling, Teddy hits it off with Tom. I can see this and ship this. Meanwhile, as Link and Meredith bond over a glass of wine, DeLuca texts Meredith. He’s just completed his first solo surgery and wants to celebrate. Watch out, DeLuca. You’ve got some competition!