Here we go, again. Tameka ‘Tiny’ Harris, 43, and husband T.I., 37, are once again on the rocks, after the rapper flat out refused to unfollow Bernice Burgos, 38, on Instagram.“Tiny is not happy that T.I. refuses to unfollow model Bernice Burgos, it’s a real sore spot for her. Tiny no longer follows TIP on Instagram, and the fact that he won’t unfollow Bernice is a big part of why she won’t follow him. It’s her way of retaliating,” a friend of Tiny’s told HollywoodLife EXCLUSIVELY. “That’s about the only real stand she could take because T.I. does not react well when she gives him ultimatums,” the friend added.
One can hardly blame Tiny for being so angry – Bernice is the same woman that T.I. was previously accused of cheating with! “She’s been trying her best not to let something as petty as social media break-up her marriage, but hearing about T.I.’s drama with Meek Mill over Bernice, it has brought all her anger and frustration to the surface,” the friend continued. “It’s extra humiliating because all her friends are questioning why her husband is still following this side-chick, and Tiny has no good answer. It really hurts that T.I. won’t show her the simple respect of totally cutting Bernice out and it makes her question if there could still be something going on.” HollywoodLife reached out to reps of both Tiny and T.I. for comment.
The source also revealed why it’s so hard to get TIP to just hit that unfollow button. “T.I. refuses to be told what he can and can not do. He tells Tiny he’s a man, and he can follow anyone he wants on Instagram. There’s no doubt he loves Tiny with all his heart, but when she tries to tell him what to do, it really pushes his buttons. T.I. swears Bernice means nothing, but so far no matter what Tiny says he refuses to stop following her, no way. The way he sees it, he can look, as long as he does not touch.” Clearly, Tiny does not agree with that sentiment!
The bad blood between Tiny and her man comes just days after, Meek Mill, 31, posted a selfie to his Instagram with the caption, “don’t come to me about no ho!” Once fans figured out that Meek was talking about Bernice, all bets were off. Quick-witted fans of both artist came to the conclusion that Meek was beefing with T.I. over the model, proving that TIP still has feelings for his old flame. This is one love triangle that isn’t going to last though, if Tiny has her way.
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