Even dressed up like Wednesday Addams, Coco Arquette, 14, is the spitting image of her mom. Courteney Cox, 54, and David Arquette, 46, were celebrating their daughter’s starring role in a school play when someone snapped a pic — and the proud dad shared it to Instagram even though his eyes were closed. He was hugging his daughter with a card and bouquet of roses in his hand, smiling just as wide as Courteney, who stood on the other side of Coco. With her hair dark and center-parted as usual, Courteney’s signature look made it extra clear that the Friends actress and her daughter look crazy alike. Because instead of the light locks she’s had in the past, Coco sported dark hair and even darker eye makeup for The Addams Family play, plus a black velvet dress.
“I’m so proud of my daughter Coco!” David wrote. “Have fun and be safe in high school! AND don’t grow up too fast! I love love love you!” Some of the comments congratulated Coco, but most were focused on how much she “looks like her momma” and is “Courteney’s twin.” And a few were freaking out over the teen’s resemblance to a different celeb momma, Demi Moore. Whatever the case, we’re just glad David shared this family photo with his fans. Although the actor has two children with Courteney, Coco and Charlie, as well as two more with his second wife Christina McLarty, their appearances on his Instagram are few and far between.
But what makes this sweet post even sweeter? The fact that exes Courteney and David reunited to support their daughter for her major moment.
We bet Coco is a natural in front of the camera and did an incredible job as Wednesday Addams! Between her mom and dad, she’s got some great acting genes.
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