Lisa Fleming, whose heartbreaking story was once featured on the TLC show My 600-Lb Life, passed away at age 50 on August 23. Lisa’s daughter, Danielle Fleming, told TMZ that her mother was sick from “various illnesses” that had nothing to do with her weight. She didn’t specify the illnesses, or the specific cause of her death, either. “At the end she was sick and her body was tired and her body just gave out,” Danielle told TMZ. She said that Lisa, who weighed over 700 pounds when she was featured on My 600-Lb Life in season six, had lost 200 pounds since her episode.
Danielle posted a beautiful tribute to her late mother on Facebook following her death, writing, “I am truly at a loss for words right now. God knows I wanted you to hold on until I got here but He knew what was best for me. I didn’t need to see you like that! This morning I sat and held your hand for 4 hours knowing nothing I could’ve done would bring you back to me. Anybody who knows me knows I gave my mother my ALL! She was my world and I was her #NumberOneGirl Mommy, I love you from here to the stars and back! Those babies loved you even more. I’m happy you’re no longer in pain and stuck in that bed. Y’all pray for me, check on me, come see about me because I am not ok! I love my mama & I wouldn’t wish this pain on my worse enemy. Rest In Peace, Mother Arleasher M. Fleming!”
Lisa’s episode was absolutely heartbreaking, and one of the most infamous to date. She had always had weight issues, but it became out of control when she turned to eating after witnessing her brother’s murder. She was bedridden at 700 pounds; at one point, Danielle even found maggots between the folds of her skin. She continually fought with the doctors and nutritionists sent to help her, even hiding food from them in her bed.
This is the second death of a My 600-Lb Life subject in the last month. Thirty-year-old James “LB” Bonner‘s body was found dead in a ditch with a gunshot wound to the head; it’s suspected that he died by suicide. Robert Buchel died in March while filming his episode of the show.
Our thoughts go out to Danielle, and Lisa’s other loved ones. May she rest in peace.
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