The hit sitcom Mad About You premiered in 1992 and aired its series premiere in 1999. Our sister site TVLine first reported that Sony, which produced the NBC show, has started having “informal talks” with stars Paul Reiser, 60, and Helen Hunt, 54, about reviving the series. The revival would reportedly center around Paul and Helen’s characters dealing with “empty-nest syndrome” as their daughter, Mabel, heads off to the college. We’re already totally *mad* about this revival. But where is the original cast today?
After Mad About You, Helen, who played Jamie, went on to star in hit movies like What Women Want with Mel Gibson, 61, and Cast Away with Tom Hanks, 61. The Oscar winner was nominated for a Best Supporting Actress at the 2013 Oscars for her role in The Sessions. Helen returned to TV for the limited drama Shots Fired in 2017. She’s also one of the stars of the Louis C.K., 50, film I Love You, Daddy, which was shelved after Louis was accused of sexual misconduct. Helen stars in the upcoming sports drama, The Miracle Season, which will be released in 2018.
Paul, who played Paul on the show, went on to get his own comedy series, The Paul Reiser Show, in 2011, but it was cancelled after only two episodes. He recently starred as Doug Getty on the Amazon series Red Oaks and as Dr. Sam Owens in the second season of Netflix’s Stranger Things. He’s currently filming the new Amazon series The Romanoffs, from Mad Men creator Matthew Weiner.
Anne Ramsay, 57, who played Lisa, has gone on to appear on shows like Six Feet Under, Dexter, The Secret Life of the American Teenager, and Hart of Dixie. John Pankow, 63, who played Ira, has made appearances on everything from Chicago P.D. to Episodes. Leila Kenzie continued to work for a few years after the end of Mad About You, but her last role was in 2003.
HollywoodLifers, would you watch a Mad About You revival? Let us know!
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