‘The Flash’ Recap: Barry Loses His Memory & Things Get Confusing

Team Flash messes with Barry's memory causing him to lose it completely.

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Wally, Barry, and Joe in The Flash
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Well, we waste no time this episode– two minutes in and Barry calls out Savitar Barry (Savrry?) for being a Time Remnant. This is all because of Barry’s time traveling to the past. A scorned version of Barry who just wanted to be accepted by Barry’s crew but wasn’t. Also, he needs Iris to die so he can be born.

Other Savrry revelations? How’s this quip, “The more you time travel, the less the rules apply to you”? *Chuckles* Oh, Flash writers. That was a good one. We still see your time traveling hiccups, though.

Speaking of time traveling, Team Flash gets into it about who came first– the Time Remnant or Savitar. They can’t figure it out. I know I sure as hell can’t. Just know that every iteration of Barry is intrinsically linked.

Iris tries to make Barry feel better about Savitar, but it’s a little awkward when you’re trying to tell your inevitable murderer he’s not such a bad guy.

Oof, this is messy.

Cisco comes up with the idea to hinder Barry’s memory so that Savitar can’t remember either, which puts the monster one step behind them instead of two steps ahead. Except, Cisco does such a good job with the memory thing that Barry can’t remember who he is or who they are.

As the team scrambles to try and rectify the whole amnesia situation, H.R. checks in on Tracy the scientist and her Speed Force bazooka. And flirts with her. Because now’s the time for that. *Sarcasm*

The only thing Amnesia Barry is good for is unintentionally rubbing salt in Iris’ wounds. AKA reminding her they haven’t been planning their wedding, because they’ve been to busy trying to thwart her death.

Speaking of near-death situations, Killer Frost is taken by the throat by Savitar who demands to know who she is. and then questions who he is himself.

‘The Flash’ — Pics Of The Fastest Show On The CW

Barry and Iris go to Jitters and she shows him, in pictures, the nerd he once was. The scene is cute as hell and finally it feels like Amnesia Barry has a purpose– Iris points out how he’s so much lighter without his memories now that he doesn’t have the weight of the world on his shoulders.

Killer Frost comes to Star Labs and needs the team’s help. So does the team, because Wally doesn’t have his speed.

But, Barry does. Because as he kisses Iris in the loft, he begins to vibrate (ahem) and then zooms around the place.

Killer Frost tries to leverage the team to restore Barry’s memory so that Savitar’s can be restored as well. They form a weird frenemy alliance. Cisco takes advantage of having Killer Frost somewhat vulnerable and insists that she refer to herself as Caitlin and he refers to her that way too. He recalls some of their best memories together and it seemingly thaws a tiny spot in her otherwise frozen heart.

On the Amnesia Barry side of things, as Joe and Iris try to help him get a handle on his speed, Joe notices that Iris doesn’t want Barry to get his memory back. He calls her out on it and she cops to it, she enjoys how happy Barry is this way. Tbh? Me too.

Obviously, they can’t keep him in the dark forever though. Especially when they need him to save a burning building.

Cisco and Julian try to jumpstart his memory but it doesn’t work. Killer Frost tells them that what they need a visceral memory to trigger him. So Iris takes over. She reminds him of the night his mother died and how he came to live with them. She tells him that she heard him cry in the middle of the night, so she went to him and held him in her lap as he mourned. She also drops the bomb that that’s when she thinks they fell in love.

Disclaimer: The entire scene made me supremely uncomfortable. I don’t… really even know what to think of it. They fell in love as kids but were then brought up as almost-siblings? Um.

Anyway, in the end, Barry remembers. WestAllen smooches. Julian professes his love for Caitlin and is promptly shut down by her alter ego. In fact she tells him she never loved not just Julian, but anyone on Team Flash. She’s a liar, though, because when she gets in the elevator to leave, her icy blue eyes turn a pensive brown for just a moment. Caitlin is breaking through.

Oh, and H.R. and Tracy’s Speed Force bazooka is complete! Except is isn’t because they need a power source to actually get it going. Cue King Shark (and in the promo) Snart’s reappearance.

HollywoodLifers, is all this time travel talk making your head spin? Because, same.