QUIZ: Hermione Vs Belle: Which Iconic Emma Watson Character Are You?

Emma Watson taught us all about being an empowered, independent woman as Hermione Grander in 'Harry Potter,' and now she's continuing the trend with her portrayal of Belle in 'Beauty and the Beast!' So, which character represents YOU? Take our quiz!

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We grew up watching Emma Watson, 26, on the big screen as a young teenager playing Hermione Granger in Harry Potter. She was different than any character we had ever seen before: she wouldn’t let anyone talk down to her for being different (since she was a Mudblood), she was smarter than anyone else and knew it, and she was the sassiest witch around. We loved it! She taught us all about being strong, independent, and self-confident, and now she’s doing that again for the next generation of kids!

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Beauty and the Beast comes out in theaters on March 17, and Emma plays the smart, caring Belle. She loves books just as much as Hermione does, she’s not willing to change for ANY man (cough cough, Gaston), and she’s definitely not superficial, even though she’s gorgeous. As Emma brings her grace and warmth to the big screen once again, kids will learn about love, compassion and confidence all over again!

Emma Watson: See Pics Of The Star That Played Bella & Hermione

So, which of those two boss-lady characters fits your personality best? Would you sooner fall in love with a goofy redhead you’ve been best friends with for years, or a beast of a man who’s simply misunderstood? Would you rather use the magic within you to save a life, or use spells and a wand to save the world? Would you prefer to spend your days locked up in a school, or a magical castle? Take the quiz above and find out!

HollywoodLifers, which Emma Watson character did you get? Share your results with us!