‘Supergirl’ Recap: Kara & Mon-El Finally Kiss & The Angsty Build-Up Was Totally Worth It

Valentine's Day in National City doesn't go as planned for anyone, but it all ends up working out in the end. Especially for the will-they, won't-they duo, Kara and Mon-El.

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A Tale Of Three Valentine’s Days

In this episode of Supergirl, we’re hit with the couple trifecta. Alex and Maggie grapple with their differing stances on the holiday, Winn gets a hot alien date, and Kara and Mon-El almost become an item… before Mr. Mxyzptlk steps in and almost ruins everything.

Kara And Mon-El

First things first, this is Supergirl’s show after all, so let’s start with the nearly disastrous Valentine’s Day for this couple who were almost over before they got their epic start.

As previously teased last episode, right before Kara and Mon-El were about to lock lips, Mr. Mxyzptlk barged his way into Kara’s living room, intergalactic portal style. Ruining the moment with more than just his timing, he declares his love for Kara, puts her in a wedding dress, and sends a nearly nude Mon-El to the D.E.O. to eliminate the competition in the best way he knows how.

At the D.E.O., J’onzz sheds some light on the decidedly confusing and out-of-left-field secret admirer situation. He explains that Mr. Mxyzptlk, who they affectionately call Mxy, is a 5th dimensional being. Meaning, that he can warp reality to his own whims. A power that can be seen as magic.

Out on the streets, Kara goes after a crew of criminals, who foolishly shoot at her to no avail. Mxy shows up and turns their guns on them and shoots, but not before Kara jumps in front to save them. In that moment, it becomes clear that Mxy isn’t as harmless as he may have first appeared.

Mon-El says the only way to stop creatures (imps) like Mxy, is to kill them, and Kara refuses, causing tension between the two.

Speaking of tension-filled relationships, Kara gives Alex advice on how to celebrate Valentine’s Day with Maggie, who apparently hates it. Though the sisterly moment is short lived when the two hear sirens outside the apartment windows. They look out upon theres a chaotic crime scene with Parasite at the helm. Kara swoops in and tries to stop the monster, but he gets back up and knocks her out. Mon-El comes to rescue her, but the gigantic alien flings him clear across the street.

Then Superman, who is actually Mxy, comes in and helps Kara stop him.

Mon-El is both furious and jealous over Mxy’s over the top display of “heroism.” Mxy fires back and tells Mon-El he doesn’t think he’s good enough for Kara. While the boys bicker, Kara realizes that iMy was responsible for the Parasite atttack in the first place and Mon-El accuses him of settign this up to look like a savior to Kara. Supergirl sends the understandably irritable Mon-El away before things escalate even more. When alone, Mxy eerily tells Kara that if she doesn’t say “I do” things are going to be bad for the planet. So, that bad feeling you got before? Spot on.

As expected, Mon-El is pissed that Kara sent him away. In a total, cheer-worthy moment, Kara tells him that she’s not a damsel in distress and that she can defend herself. Biting back, Mon-El says she’s not a good judge of what she can handle. Kara calls Mon-El out on being jealous, which he vehemently denies. After that, there’s a whole lot of sexual tension bubbling up to the surface as the two go back and forth over who’s right for how they’re handling Mxy. Ultimately, Kara says she thought he changed, but he’s still the same macho person he’s always been. She proclaims that them considering something romantic between them was a mistake.

On a slightly different note, Kara finds out that in order to get Mxy to leave the planet, his name has to be said backwards. A feat that Mon-El claims is basically impossible.

Mon-El, who is determined the only way to get rid of Mxy is to off him, gets wind of a weapon that could potentially help him do so thanks to Winn. He grabs the weapon when Winn steps away and then challenges Mxy to a duel, Hamilton vs. Burr style. It, uh, doesn’t go so well for Mon-El.

Finally, Kara steps in and agrees to marry Mxy so that he’ll let Mon-El go. She tells him she wants to get married on Kryptonian soil, in the Fortress of Solitude and he agrees.

‘Supergirl’ — SEE PICS

Afterwards, Mon-El shows up to Kara’s apartment and admits he’s jealous and he apologizes. He begs her not to marry Mxy. She tells him she’s doing it to save him and the planet and also because Mxy is “right.” She apparently believes that they can be a super couple for justice. Like a very adorably but saddened puppy dog, Mon-El laments to Kara that he thought the super couple would be them. She tells him they’re too different.

Kara does indeed show up to the fortress, but once there she tells Mxy she’s not going to marry him. Mxy does not take to that kindly and animates a gigantic ice sculpture of Jor-El to subdue her. Avoiding his icy clutches, Kara locks down the fortress and sets it to self-destruct, highlighting the fact that it’ll kill her and there’s nothing he can do about it because of the rules he has to abide by. This terrifies him and he begs her not to kill herself. In an epic “gotcha!” moment, Kara makes him write his own name down backwards by telling him that the buttons he’s pressing will undo the self-destruction she set in motion. When its all said and done, she tricks him at his own game to his great shock and dismay, and he gets set back to his own dimension. To which I say, good riddance.

It ain’t over till it’s over, though. Mon-El comes to Kara’s apartment literally just to tells her she’s awesome, which is pretty darn cute. He goes on about how she tricked the ultimate trickster without getting violent because she did it her own way. He also apologizes for being a jerk. And, in what could have been a corny moment but was actually super effective (I’m swooning), he tells Kara that she’s his kryptonite, in terms of his feelings for her. He’s never felt like this about anyone and sometimes that makes his emotions get all crazy. It’s something that Kara seems to completely understand. In fact, he goes to leave to get out of her hair, but Kara stops him. She says explains that like Mxy, she tricked him. She only told him that they were incompatible to protect him so that she could enact her grand plan to defeat Mxy. After the confession, Mon-El notes that with their feelings for one another out in the open, nothing’s stopping them now and Kara agrees. The two finally share a kiss which escalates into a steamy make out session. *Fans self* This moment was totally worth the wait.

Alex And Maggie

For Alex and Maggie, Valentine’s Day = trouble in paradise. Why? Well, because Alex is giddy about it while Maggie thinks the holiday is the absolute worst.

Despite knowing that Maggie cringes at the thought of Valentine’s Day and everything associated with it, Alex pushes on. Per Kara’s advice, Alex tries to woo Maggie with her own personal, less cliched celebration of sorts, but it does not go over well. Instead, it prompts Maggie to tell Alex her heartbreaking coming out story. As it turns out, she was forced to come out on Valentine’s Day because of a crush she had on a friend as a young teen, which then caused her father to practically disown her.

Later, Kara gives a guilt-ridden Maggie some pointed advice about how to remedy things with Alex. This time, Kara’s advice thankfully works. Maggie ends up throwing her girlfriend a belated Valentine’s Day prom, with all of the bells and whistles. She tells Alex that she deserves romance with a woman who is crazy about her. And, that she is the only woman who could make her like Valentine’s Day. The two then smooch and dance the night away.

Winn And Lyra

Possibly the greatest success story of this episode, from start to finish, is Winn. The man, who is usually unlucky in love gets saved by an alien named Lyra at the bar and then scores a date with her after the two get to talking. The two share in both the physical and intellectual delights of one another, and it turns out that this chance encounter may end up going somewhere.

Despite Lyra being initially hesitant over Winn’s true interest in being with an alien, he assures her that “falling” for an alien is something that is entirely possible for him.

HollywoodLifers, what did you think of all three couples getting a happy ending (for now)?