Susan Boyle Rushed To Hospital For Evaluation After Suffering Breakdown At London Airport

Scottish singer Susan Boyle had a terrifying breakdown at Heathrow Airport on April 26, and was taken away by ambulance to a hospital for mental health evaluation. Click through to learn the details of her scary situation. Poor Susan Boyle! The 55-year-old singer, best known for her stunning 2008 performance on Britain's Got Talent, had a massive breakdown at Heathrow Airport on April 26, "losing it" on British Airways staffers, according to TMZ. Susan was taken away in an ambulance ordered by London police, against her will, to a nearby hospital. Click through for more details!

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Susan Boyle Breakdown Airport
Image Credit: REX/Shutterstock

Airline staffers reportedly became concerned for Susan after she started throwing a “massive tantrum,” which continued when London police arrived at Heathrow, according to TMZ. The police were responding to reports of a “distressed woman,” and upon seeing Susan’s condition, took immediate action.

The police ordered Susan into an ambulance, against her will, and transported her to a nearby hospital, where she received a mental health evaluation. Susan’s reps deny that she was on a psychiatric hold, but rather that the outburst was caused by her Asperger’s Syndrome. Her evaluation was clearly fine, as she was able to later return to the airport and catch a flight back to Scotland.

Susan’s breakdown is especially distressing, as she had a similar outburst at the Derry airport in Northern Ireland on April 10. Susan was seen by airport staff screaming “Help me” during a phone call in an airport lounge, and running through the airport crying, according to eyewitnesses. Susan was apparently distressed that her brother left the airport on an earlier flight than her, and panicked, one of her friends told Ireland’s Sunday Paper. Poor Susan!

HollywoodLifers, our thoughts are with Susan during this difficult time in her life.