‘Lemonade’: Beyonce Fears That Jay Z May Have Cheated On Her

Whoa! Beyonce totally calls out Jay Z's alleged cheating in 'Lemonade,' a surprise visual album she released on April 23. In fact, she says if he 'tries this s*** again,' he's 'gon' lose his wife.' So does this mean she has forgiven him and is giving him another chance? Get all the details here! In her epic surprise visual album, Lemonade, Beyonce seems to be calling out husband Jay Z for cheating on her. But by the end of the hour-long video, they're in bed and he's kissing her feet. So did she forgive him? Find out here!

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As you already know, fans have long suspected Jay Z may have cheated on Beyonce with designer Rachel Roy. Especially after her sister, Solange, lashed out at him in an elevator at a Met Ball after-party on May 5, 2014. And now, after staying quiet about the situation, Beyonce is using her new album to finally speak out.

In the song, “Intuition,” Beyonce seems to be comparing Jay Z to her father, who cheated on her mother. “Where do you go when you go quiet…You remind me of my father, a magician, able to exist in two places at once. In the tradition of men in my blood, you come home at 3 a.m. and lie to me. What are you hiding? The past, and the future, merge to meet us here. What luck. What a fucking curse.” Then, she asks, “Are you cheating on me?”

Later in the opening chapter, she says, “I don’t want to lose my pride, but imma f*** me up a bitch” and “what’s worse, looking jealous or crazy…I’d rather be crazy.”

In “Anger,” she says, “Who the f*** do you think I am. You ain’t married to no average bitch, boy. You can watch my fat ass twist, boy. As I bounce to the next (dick) boy. And keep your money, I got my own.”

Tell us how you really feel, Beyonce.

And that’s not all. Beyonce then seems to be telling Jay Z that he has one last shot with her. “If you try this s*** again, you’re gon’ lose your wife,” she says before throwing her wedding ring.

“Forgiveness” is one of the last “songs” on the album, and it’s during this track that we see Beyonce and Jay Z in bed together, cuddling, and enjoying each other’s company. She’s also wearing her wedding ring again, and he’s kissing her feet. So does this mean she forgave him? It sure seems that way. But we can we also acknowledge how badass Beyonce is for getting Jay Z to appear in her visual album, which seems to be all about his cheating? You go, girl.

What do YOU think, HollywoodLifers? Is cheating forgivable? Tell us below.