Gigi Hadid landed every model’s dream when she revealed she would be walking in the annual Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show, which airs this December. After sharing her adorable audition video on Instagram, Gigi has also been sharing pics of her prep work ahead of the big day, where she’ll strut down the runway alongside BFF Kendall Jenner and VS alum like Candice Swanepoel and Adriana Lima.
Makeup artist Patrick Ta posted the glam picture of Gigi gearing up for the show, where it appears she’s already mastered the VS trademark look — beachy skin and bombshell waves. To get her glow, even during the cold weather, use St. Tropez Self Tan Luxe Dry Facial Oil for a natural, sunkissed look, and pair with St. Tropez Self Tan Luxe Dry Oil for a head-to-toe glow. Keep the rest of your makeup to a minimum like Gigi by using a peachy blush, a bronze cream shadow, mascara and natural glossy lip.
Jen Atkin styled Gigi’s hair into volumized curls that were runway-ready. To get a similar look, concentrate on creating volume on your hair while it’s still damp by using a volumizing mousse throughout your hair and a root boosting spray at the crown of your head. Once you blow your hair out, use a barrel curling iron for larger waves, curling the hair away from your face and setting with a dry texturizing spray like Oribe‘s, which will give your hair hold and volume.
It’s not just the beauty work Gigi has been putting in, but the 20-year-old model has also been kicking up her workout routine. In addition to her usual boxing workouts at New York’s Gotham Gym, Gigi also posted a picture of herself training with Ballet Beautiful’s Mary Helen Bowers, captioning the pic: “mornings with @balletbeautiful, nights with @gothamgym.”
What do you think of Gigi’s very VS beauty look? Will you be tuning in on December 8 to watch her walk the runway?
— Marissa DeSantis
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