Selena Gomez, 23, looked stunning as usual during her Jimmy Fallon appearance. The “Same Old Love” singer’s black lined eyes and red lipstick makeup look got an evening-ready twist thanks to her curly hairstyle and v-neck black dress. But her makeup look can just as easily be worn in the day with deconstructed waves or a sleek hairstyle combined with more casual clothes. Get the how-to on her gorgeous makeup, below.
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Makeup artist Hung Vanngo, who’s been working with Selena all throughout her NYC takeover (and who’s always keeping the Victoria’s Secret Angels glammed up) created her makeup look.
To channel Sel’s pretty makeup, concentrate on creating a flawless base by using a perfecting foundation like Koh Gen Do Aqua Foundation. You can create a classic black cat eye like Selena’s, or let the lipstick stand out on its own with just a bit of black mascara. For her pop of red, Hung used a lipstick with an orange undertone, which complemented her olive complexion. For a similar look, use YSL Rouge Pur Couture The Mats Lipstick in Orange Imagine for bright color with a modern matte finish.
After playing a hilarious game of Dubsmash with Jimmy, Selena took her perfect red lip to the Tonight Show stage to perform her newest single, “Same Old Love.”
Will you be copying Selena’s latest beauty look?
— Marissa DeSantis
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