Harry Styles Caught Adjusting Himself On Stage — See Hilarious Video

All eyes on Harry-- and what's happening below his waist! Harry Styles was caught totally red handed while, ahem, adjusting himself on stage! See the entire thing go down! Talk about a TGIF moment, right? During a One Direction concert on Aug. 18 in Columbus, Ohio, Harry Styles, 21, was apparently having some pants-related issues. The lion-haired beauty was seen not once but twice reaching his hand into his pants to make some minor spacial adjustments. Thankfully, a few fans (who were sent from the heavens, probably), posted a couple clips of the glorious incidents online, and you probably should do yourself a favor and watch them now.

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Nope, your eyes ain’t deceiving you. Harry really did reach ol’ lefty down his signature skinny jeans, give the whole area a little jiggle, then went back about his business. Perhaps he forgot he was on stage in front of thousands of people? Because he made the moves pretty openly, before going ahead and waving to everyone with both hands proudly in the air (with a blatant disregard of where they just were!).

The person who posted the vine documenting the event (fitting username Niall Girls) also had a perfect caption for the moment. “Look at them! Those are county fair tomatoes inside them pants!” She said it, not us!

Another concert attendee, with username Harry’s Mom (natch) also caught a different “adjustment period” that same evening! This person’s caption was equally hilarious. “DICK ADJUSTMENT NUMBER TWO I SAW THAT DICK GET FIXED [F–KING] TWICE (my video),” she wrote.

At this point, certainly Harry isn’t surprised when every single move he makes (literally) ends up on the Internet. Still, though, these are making even us step back for a few seconds, if for nothing else to merely admire this human perfection! Check out the video above!


What do you think of Harry fixin’ himself on stage? Should he try and do it less openly?

— Casey Mink