On this week’s episode of Teen Mom 2, the drama unfolds between Jenelle Evans and her mom Barbara over Jace. Leah Messer and her ex-husband Corey try to find a peaceful custody agreement, Chelsea Houska deals with a rough temper tantrum from Aubree, and Kailyn Lowry continues to find a way to have a peaceful marriage with Javi.
Kailyn feels that therapy isn’t helping, because her and Javi aren’t using the tools that the counselor has given them. Javi sweetly tells her, “I can’t picture my life not waking up next to Lincoln and having Isaac wake up and come in. I want to find an answer. There has to be an answer and I want to find it.”
Take Our PollTonight’s episode starts off with Leah and her untamed kids. Leah quickly loses her patience when Aleeah won’t listen to her and continues to run a muck around the house. Leah admits to her friend that she’s completely stressed out by the kids and blames it on her custody arrangement with Corey. “I just feel stressed out now. I forgot today’s the first day they’ve been back [from Corey’s house]. Maybe it’s the transition from his house to my house. Ali does good, it’s more Gracie.” While she’s talking to her friend, she sees Aleeah screaming at her little sister and kicking the toy bicycle the baby is riding on. Leah snaps and yells, “Gracie! Get that right now,” but Aleeah says “no.”. Leah continues to yell, “I’m not playing. You’re going to pick that up! You’re not going to act like this in front of people. Do you understand? I’ve had enough. I don’t know why you’re acting like this.” She then punishes Aleeah by taking her off camera and into the other room off to give her a spanking. Later, when the girls go to Corey’s house, they aren’t much better. They fight, scream, cry and at one point, Aleeah slams a door right in Ali’s face.
Leah and Corey decide to meet up at a restaurant to discuss their custody arrangement. He tells her that he is very concerned about the kids. “I was sick a couple of weekends ago and I was eating toast and Aleeah says she knows how to make it.” He went on to say that Aleeah told him “Because my mom is a sleepyhead and I have to make myself breakfast.”
Aubree has an issue at school and winds up getting in trouble by the teachers for scratching another student. When Chelsea arrives to take her home, the teacher informs her what had gone down. After she confronts Aubree about it, the little girl throws a massive temper tantrum. Chelsea remains calm with her daughter and just escorts her out of the school. She doesn’t punish Aubree, but tells her she has to apologize to the child. Later in the episode she tells her father that Aubree only acts out after she returns from visiting Adam. Which brings up another point — supervised visitation is still an issue with Chelsea. She doesn’t feel Adam‘s parents take it seriously, so she’s making him use a visitation center if he wants to spend time with Aubree. After going to the center, she still doesn’t feel comfortable having Aubree there.
It’s the moment we’ve all been waiting for — a epic battle between Jenelle and her mom Barbara. The tension between these two has been building and finally they come face-to-face. When Barb stops by Jenelle’s new house for the very first time, she tells her daughter that Jace acts up in school at times and Jenelle says it’s because he misses her. “He needs more time with his mother. That’s why he’s so distraught and confused. He sits there, and he thinks this is his home, but when he goes back to your house he doesn’t understand.” She goes on to say that Jace shouldn’t be calling her mom, because that’s her name. Barb denies it and says Jace calls her “meme” or “momma”. Obviously Jenelle snaps back and says, “He just tried to call you mom downstairs, and you said ‘You could call me whatever you want.'” She tells Barb she needs to accept that she isn’t Jace’s mom.
HollywoodLifers — do you think the kids on this show don’t get enough discipline? Sound off below!
— Brittany King
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