We had to go back to go forward on the Oct. 26 episode of Once Upon A Time. Emma (Jennifer Morrison) discovered how she’s connected to the Snow Queen (Elizabeth Mitchell), Regina (Lana Parilla) and Emma reached solid ground and Snow (Ginnifer Goodwin) and Charming (Josh Dallas) had their first adventure post-baby!
Dang, the Snow Queen was going full-on Frozen. She’s starting to make Storybrooke look like a snow globe. She better stay ahead of the game because Elsa and Emma were trying to uncover more information to take her down.
However, Hook stopped by the police station and I forgot about everything else. Hook and Emma got pretty flirty at the station and I’m currently freaking out. But an awkward moment between Hook and Will Scarlett sent Hook running.
As Emma and Elsa looked through photos, they discovered one of the Snow Queen and Emma together. Emma didn’t remember this at all. Emma was determined to find out who took the photos.
It was finally time for Snow to leave Neal for the first time. Belle was playing babysitter while Snow and Charming took an evening stroll. Snow was understandably worried. She didn’t have the best track record with babies.Take Our Poll
Flashback to Hopkins, Minnesota in 1998 and we found a young Emma trying to steal pop tarts from the grocery store. Thankfully, a young girl named Lily saved her before she was caught. What does this mean?!?!
Sydney was the one to take the photos, but he was right under Regina’s thumb. Emma went to see Regina, and it’s safe to say that these two aren’t BFFs.
While Elsa was waiting in the car, she started hearing Anna’s voice. She bolted from the car and followed the voice. Emma came back to find her gone.
Regina was still trying to find a cure for Marian, but she wasn’t having any luck. She used Sydney to find the Snow Queen. During her trek through the woods, Emma showed up looking together. Much to Regina’s dismay, Emma wanted to stick beside her. After all, two women with magic is better than one woman with magic.
For those of you who are Frozen freaks like myself (I have an entire themed dinner set. No, I’m not ashamed.) Elsa’s quest to find Anna featured a major moment from the movie.
THE ICE STAIRCASE! Unfortunately, Elsa did not sing “Let It Go,” but it’s the thought that counts.
After discovering that Will has escaped the county jail, Snow found him digging by the water. Being Snow, she let him go. Was this such a good idea?
Emma tried to engage in small talk with Regina while tracking down the Snow Queen. Emma thought it was admirable that Regina was helping the wife of the man she loved. Regina wasn’t buying Emma’s talk. “You’re trying to win me over so you can assuage your guilt,” she spat at Emma.
Yep, pretty much. Regina confessed that Emma had ruined her life. Let’s not be overdramatic.
Young Emma and Lily continued their adorable friendship. Emma said there wouldn’t be anything they couldn’t get through together. That pact hit a snag when Lily’s father showed up looking for her. She wasn’t a foster kid; she just ran away from home.
Meanwhile, Elsa finally found Anna, but she was just a hallucination. The Snow Queen had her in the palm of her hand. She locked up Elsa, and as long as was afraid, she would stay that way. The fierce Elsa we all know and love reappeared real quick.
Emma and Regina had to put aside their differences and fight off a scary snowman. They were able to put him down, but the Snow Queen was still alive and well. After their busy day, Regina admitted that she was being a little harsh on Emma. “I don’t want to kill you,” Regina said.
This is a huge step in the right direction for these two.
Emma and Regina are going to have to continue to stick together because Regina’s trusty advisor set Regina up. Sydney was worshipping a new queen — the Snow Queen. She had been waiting a long time to get what she wanted — a family.
As Hook and Emma looking through her personal photos, they starting holding hands. (SWOON.) He wanted to know more about her and I’m shaking from excitement. When she flipped through the photos, she found the video that she had made with Lily. Taped over it was a video of Emma with the SNOW QUEEN during her time in foster care!
Wait, what?!
HollywoodLifers, what did you think of tonight’s Once Upon A Time? Can you believe the Snow Queen had a role in Emma’s childhood? WHERE IN THE HECK IS ANNA? What’s Will Scarlett up to? Let us know!
— Avery Thompson
Follow @avery__thompson
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