On the mega-hit show Duck Dynasty, Miss Kay Robertson and husband Phil Robertson deal with the hilarious ups and downs of daily life with their family, including sons Alan, Willie, Jase and Jep Robertson. No matter what happens, the main theme of Duck Dynasty always comes back to how the Robertsons stick to their conservative family values. Kay’s new confession may change how some view the famous fam!
Miss Kay reveals she gave birth to her first son before officially getting married to Phil. “When I made a vow to God and to [Phil], it was March 22, 1964,” she opens up to Us Weekly for a special collector’s issue of the magazine. “It wasn’t legal,” she admits. “That’s the truth. We didn’t do the legal papers until April 11, 1968, after Alan, my oldest, was born.”
While the confession wouldn’t be as controversial from a liberal family it’s surprising for this one! Miss Kay’s husband Phil is so conservative that he’s bashed homosexuals during church services. Take Our Poll
“Alan says, ‘Yeah, I would be the B [bastard] in the family,'” Miss Kay admits. “But I want to tell you something. My heart and my vow to God was true from the first day.”
While Miss Kay feels like she got married during her unofficial vows before Alan’s birth, it wasn’t legal. She says the non-official vs. official wedding date is now a family joke.
“People ask, ‘When was your mama’s wedding?’ and the boys say, ‘Which, the pioneer wedding or the regular wedding?'” Kay spills.
Alan, who is a pastor, is rarely featured on the hit show alongside his younger brothers, but he’s amazing to watch when he is on!
In the June 25 episode of Duck Dynasty, the youngest Robertson bro’s 11-year-old daughter, Lily, goes out on a date! In true family fashion, Jep gets over protective about it. After finding out about the mini-golf date, Jep tells Lily she has to be 5′ 8″ before she can hang with boys. Hilarious! Lily ends up going on a sweet date and having a great time.
We’re pretty surprised by Kay’s confession, but we think it’s brave of her to speak out about it!
What do YOU think about Kay confessing that she had her first son before officially being married, HollywoodLifers? Let us know!
— Megan Ross
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