May just sprung, but for the entire month of April, Bella Thorne campaigned for Alcohol Awareness Month with the Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility’s iDECIDE campaign. Bella spoke EXCLUSIVELY with, and told us what she thinks about Young Hollywood partying, how she has fun without alcohol and to stay cool without drinking!
We love seeing celebrities working toward a good cause, and that’s exactly what Bella Thorne is doing!
Bella was chosen to be the celebrity ambassador for the Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility’s iDECIDE campaign, which promotes alcohol awareness and prevents teens underaged drinking.
“I’ve just turned 16, but I’ve quickly learned that the path to success is all about making smart choices, standing up for what you believe in, and staying healthy,” Bella says. She also adds that she’s excited to work with the cause because she wants to inspire her fans to lead healthy lives and “follow their dreams.”
Take Our spoke with Bella to learn all about her awesome campaign! How did you get involved with the iDecide campaign?
Bella Thorne: “I was approached by the Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility to join hands in this specific campaign and since it stands for something I have very strong opinions about, I decided to get involved and spread the word about making smart decisions.”
Why was it important to you to become a celebrity ambassador for the cause?
“I think it is important for other teens to see that they can still be “cool” and make strong decisions that will greatly impact their lives and the lives of others.”
What do you think is the best way for teens to stay away from drinking alcohol, and how do you say ‘no’?
“I think the best way to stay away from it is exactly that…stay away! You can go to parties and not drink alcohol. I don’t feel pressured to drink just because I am at a kick back or party. I love to dance and socialize in those surroundings. I also enjoy other activities like movies, girl’s nights where we get together and have a sleep over and chat, listen to music and rent movies.”
You are such a great role model! How do you stay away from the partying in Hollywood?
“I work all the time, and I want to stay inside when I am not working and just have some downtime. I use time off to binge-watch all the shows that I’ve missed on TV!”
Do you ever feel pressured to drink?
“No I don’t feel any pressure. You can only put pressure on yourself.”
What do you think about young celebrities who are caught drinking under the legal age?
“It’s not my place to judge their decisions. I think it is something personal to be discussed inside your home. I also don’t feel like other teens should emulate someone [just because they are] on TV.”
As a former Disney starlet, do you think it’s important to be a good role model for your young fans, even as you grow up into older projects?
“The idea of role model is troubling. Whether or not one is on TV or film, we are all human and make mistakes. With that being said, I am cautious of what I do and how it can affect [my] younger fans. I really try and show that there is more to celebrity than how many records, posters, books or movie tickets you sell. I try and do positive things for my community and hope that if something is being emulated, that the positive work that I do for others is what is practiced.”
What other projects do you have coming up?
“I have a single and album release coming very soon! I am currently shooting a new take on the Amityville story — no it is not a remake! I will begin a new film, The Duff, based on a very popular novel, which I am so looking forward to doing. It not only has a positive message but it is one of the funniest scripts I’ve read. I also have a film releasing in a few weeks, Blended, on May 23rd. This year, will also have the release of Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No good, Very Bad Day, Home Invasion, Big Sky and Mostly Ghostly 2.
Wow! Bella sure is staying busy! HollywoodLifers, how do you stay busy and keep yourself from going down the partying path? Let us know what your favorite pastime is, just like Bella!
— Elizabeth Wagmeister
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