John F. Kennedy, Barack Obama & More: The 10 Sexiest Presidents

Happy President’s Day! Now, we could celebrate the boring way, by like, singing The National Anthem or something. But instead we decided to list off our favorite sexy Heads of State. Enjoy!

The great presidents like John F. KennedyTheodore Roosevelt, and even current head of state Barack Obama, have all made their marks with incredible leadership and strong decisions under pressure. But look, they also became immensely adored because they were super hot too. So on President’s Day, let’s take a look back at the Oval Office’s sexiest inhabitants.

The 10 Sexiest Presidents

John F. Kennedy

The top of the top. Widely known as the best looking guy to ever get elected, JFK was married to the gorgeous Jacqueline Onassis, and also linked to girls like Marilyn Monroe and Gene Tierney. That’s saying a lot.

Barack Obama On ‘Oprah’

Ronald Reagan

Ron Ron was movie star hot. In fact, he actually was a movie star before becoming the head of state!

Barack Obama

You knew we were going to include the current president. This guy’s smile and charisma alone have pretty much won him two elections, and his looks are the envy of every Republican on Capitol Hill.

George Bush

Okay, you might remember him now as an old fogey, but trust us, Georgie had it going on in his peak.

George W. Bush

As did the Dubya. How else do you think George W. Bush convinced all of America to let him be president for eight years?

Bill Clinton

Do we even need to explain this one? THE most charismatic president in the history of presidents. Try to impeach that hotness — we dare you.

Theodore Roosevelt


The way Teddy put his life on the line for the U.S. is enough to make him an absolute stud — he literally rode a horse into the middle of a war and lived. Back in the early 1900s, Teddy was like a sexier, more famous, more adored Sean Penn. And we take it you’ve heard the rumors about how he “carried a big stick?”

Richard Nixon

We know Tricky Dick probably shouldn’t have made the list, but somehow we just felt like we had to include him. Give us a break, we may be sorting out some newfound, deep-seated daddy issues.

Abraham Lincoln

Four score and seven years ago, Abe Lincoln was a total babe.

Woodrow Wilson

Woodrow Wilson, hot enough to guide the United States through World War I, and hot enough for this list.

So HollywoodLifers, who do YOU think is the sexiest president ever? Let us know!

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