Justin Bieber’s Parents Need To Start Acting Like Parents

With Justin Bieber facing a possible felony charge plus a DUI and an assault charge in Canada, it’s time for Jeremy Bieber and Pattie Mallette to step up to the parent plate and to stop trying to be their son’s friend.

Justin Bieber desperately needs his parents now, no matter how grown up he thinks he is. In the space of a month, the formerly widely-admired pop star, 19, has been investigated for egging a neighbor’s house — and may now face a felony charge in that case, has had his private airplane searched for marijuana, and was photographed biting a stripper’s nipple Let me say this clearly: this is NOT normal behavior for a typical 19-year-old boy! If it was, our streets would be filled with hooligans.

Jeremy Bieber & Pattie Mallette Need To Act Like Parents To Justin Bieber

It’s overtime for Jeremy Bieber and Pattie Mallette to do what all parents are supposed to do when their teen child gets out of control — STEP IN!

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Take Our Poll They need to sit Justin down, as many times as necessary, to have serious talks with him about his behavior and to tell him to, in no uncertain words, to STOP misbehaving. That’s right, tell him that NO, he can’t party with pot on planes, go to strip clubs, go out at 3 AM to nightclubs when he’s underage, no he can’t go to brothels, allegedly throw eggs at a neighbor’s house, allegedly hit a limo driver, allegedly drink and take Xanax, etc. etc. Jeremy and Pattie have to do what’s best for Justin and demand that as their son, he make them proud, and clean up his act. His father has to stop partying along with Justin and be a father, not a friend. And his mother needs to end her “hands-off,” Justin-needs-to-make-his-own-decisions policy!

Pattie Mallette & Jeremy Bieber Need To Set Limits On Justin Bieber

She needs to end it because at 19, he clearly isn’t ready to be an adult. Most 19-year-olds aren’t! They still need their parents to set limits on their behavior and enforce them! “Justin’s dad is trying to be his buddy, and he’s not just enabling him, he’s encouraging him and he certainly isn’t saying ‘no,’ points out Dr. David Gottesfeld, a clinical psychologist for children and adolescents. “Justin unconsciously wants his parents to step in. The kid keeps raising the ante, waiting for his parents to intervene,” adds Dr. Gottesfeld. I have to agree. Nineteen-year-old guys, even if they are multimillionaire pop stars, are still immature. They don’t have adult good sense. And with his wealth, fame and too much freedom, Justin is behaving like a kid in a candy store who keeps on eating candy until he’s sick. He’s just not ready to set limits on his own behavior. A parent’s job is to set boundaries for their kids. “Justin is on a dangerous course. If his parents don’t rein him in, who knows where he’ll go. Who else will he listen to, if not his parents,” points out celebrity therapist, Dr. Gilda Carle, 30-Second Therapist for the Today show. There’s no excuse either for Jeremy or Pattie to throw up their hands and say that Justin won’t listen. The bottom line is that if Justin has been raised with parental love — which he has been — then, as Rabbi Eddie Schecter has said: “parents have power over the souls of their children.” That’s right — Jeremy and Pattie have power over Justin’s soul, which means that they can be a giant positive influence, steering him back on the right track. Jeremy and Pattie, you need to remember that no matter how rich and famous your Justin is, he is still, foremost, above all else — your precious son. And your job is to parent him!  So, HollywoodLifers — do you agree that Justin Bieber’s parents need to intervene and set limits for him? Let me know. [hl_twitter_followme username=”BonnieFuller” template=”bonnie-fuller” text=”Follow Bonnie!”] — Bonnie Fuller

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  1. Justin Bieber & Chantel Jeffries Post Ice Skating Videos — On A New Date?
  2. Justin Bieber Bites Stripper’s Nipple: Her Identity Revealed
  3. Justin Bieber Pressured Selena Gomez To Try Pot & Party — New Claim
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