Chris Brown Threw A Rock At His Mother’s Car Over Rihanna Diss

Chris was reportedly kicked out of rehab in November for throwing a rock at his mom Joyce Hawkins’ car, and now knows the real reason he blew up. Chris’ mom called him a ‘coward’ and made a shocking reference to his 2009 assault on Rihanna that really set him off, a source tells us EXCLUSIVELY.

Joyce Hawkins was so upset when Chris Brown, 24, yelled at her during their blowout fight at his anger management rehab facility that she opened her mouth and said the most hurtful thing she could think of — and it happened to be about Chris’ painful past with his ex Rihanna. Of course, there was no excuse for Chris getting violent and throwing a rock at his mother’s car, but it helps to hear the full story nonetheless.

Chris Brown’s Rock Throwing — He Damaged His Mom’s Car Over Rihanna Diss

Joyce and Chris have a very complex relationship, and she’s not afraid to keep it real with him — even if he doesn’t want to hear it.

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“Nobody knows but Chris threw that rock at his mother that time because she called him a coward when he was yelling at her and she said, ‘Is this what you do to women when you get mad? Stop that sh*t,'” a source tells EXCLUSIVELY. “You know Joyce meant Rihanna when she said that but something inside her prevented her from saying her name.”

While Joyce probably didn’t mean to go that far, she brought up a good point about Chris’ relationships with women that he should probably reflect on.

“They don’t talk about that incident but she did apologize to him for pushing his buttons,” the source reveals. “Joyce knows Chris — after all, that’s her son — and she knows that things that are said, especially those that are 100 percent truthful, stay in Chris’ head and manifest there for while.”

Chris Brown & Mom ‘Working Things Out’ After He Threw Rock Through Car Window

Chris and Joyce have had their differences about his anger issues, but they’re “working it out.” Chris even swallowed his pride and apologized to his mom for his behavior during their argument … well, sort of.

“In his own way he apologized. He hugged his mother and he made her feel special. He still has problems admitting when he’s wrong but he made her feel like he was sorry in his own way and that’s all he can do,” the source explains. “He’s not going to change over night but he’s working on it every day.”

Chris is making his relationship with his mom a priority as he continues on the path to emotional well-being.

“He wants to get back to a place where there’s unconditional love and trust,” the source says. “He’s trying hard to be a son and respect her and her authority as his mother. Once that barrier is broken and Chris realizes that his mother has love and his best interest at heart, they will have an incredible mother-son relationship.”

What do YOU think, HollywoodLifers? Is Joyce a good mom for being honest with Chris, or was she too harsh with him? Let us know.

— Writen by Tierney McAfee, Reporting by Eric Ray

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