Carrie Underwood Was Great In ‘The Sound Of Music’ — Back Off, Haters

Carrie dissers, would YOU have dared to step into Julie Andrews' very famous nun's habit and play Maria in a live remake of 'The Sound of Music?' I bet not. So stop sending nasty tweets to Carrie Underwood, who had the balls to take on the challenge! Carrie Underwood, do NOT look at your Twitter mentions or read the reviews of the many blowhard TV critics who've lambasted your performance as Maria Von Trapp in NBC's live version of The Sound of Music on Dec. 6.

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Carrie Underwood Acting Sound Of Music Live
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Image Credit: Courtesy Of NBC/Robert Wise Productions)

Carrie Underwood Sang Her Heart Out In ‘The Sound Of Music!’

Yes, it’s amazing how many viewers took to Twitter to mock, make jokes and pull their knives out, including — shockingly — the original Gretl Von Trapp from the 1965 film version of The Sound of Music.

What hole did Kym Karath, only known for playing Gretl, crawl out of after all these years? Has anyone EVER thought or heard of Kym since she played the youngest of the seven Von Trapp siblings?


That is, until she nastily took to Twitter last night while Carrie was singing her heart out, to tweet about how “mystified and disappointed” she was. Kym had a girls get together with two of her older Von Trapp sisters — Charmian Carr (Liesl) and Angela Cartwright (Brigitta) — to watch the NBC production, and they were not happy campers. No-oh!

“… So far only happy with Stephen Moyer” and “Must admit some scenes are actually painful to watch,” she gleefully told the world.

Now, whether she was motivated by loyalty to her on-screen stepmom, The Sound of Music star Julie Andrews, or simply had a case of Carrie Underwood jealousy, Kym decided to really Mean Girl it.

“Love Carrie Underwood but this role is just not right for her,” she tweeted. “She is lovely her voice is beautiful but acting is wrong.”


Carrie Underwood, You Portrayed Maria Von Trapp Perfectly! Ignore The Haters!

But at least Julie, who of course was worshipped as Maria, had the good graces to keep her claws out of Carrie.

Unlike critic Kevin Fallon from The Daily Beast who pronounced that “Underwood was no Julie Andrews,” or Vulture, which opined that “whatever natural charisma [Carrie] has, did not translate to scripted dialogue.” I bet that most of The Sound of Music‘s 18.5 million viewers loved her performance.

Her voice sounded spectacular, every bit as good as Julie Andrews’, and let’s just get real — she did this LIVE! Not taped, LIVE! Like being on a Broadway stage, but even harder, since she had none of a Broadway audience’s energy to propel her along.

She also looked adorable, and can we just applaud her courage for wearing wrapped braids and dirndl dresses as well as a nun’s habit?

I read reviews slamming her awkward outfits, but that’s the entire point of Maria’s just-out-of-the-nunnery wardrobe — it was the pits! She had no clothes of her own. That’s why she had to sew herself outfits out of curtains — which, of course, she also did for the poor, neglected Von Trapp kids.

I thought Carrie looked adorable and completely genuine as the earnest Maria. And for all of those mean tweeters who critiqued her earnestness — again, THAT’S the point! The Sound of Music, first staged in 1959, was a musical created for a more naive, less cynical era. Julie Andrews was the epitome of earnest. That’s part of the musical’s charm.

So, you haters can criticize all you want, but Carrie understood exactly what the role called for. An edgy Maria would have been soo wrong. Maria was an awkward girl, who thought she was going to be a nun until Captain Von Trapp desperately needed a governess, and she fell in love with him and his kids.

This was the role of a lifetime that Carrie Underwood landed! She sang her brains out for three hours, and she carried it off — critics be damned!

Don’t you agree, HollywoodLifers? Let me know!

WATCH: Carrie Underwood – “My Favorite Things”

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— Bonnie Fuller

More Carrie Underwood & ‘The Sound Of Music’ News:

  1. Carrie Underwood Defends Controversial “Sound of Music” Role
  2. “The Sound Of Music Live” Review: Carrie Underwood Shines As Maria
  3. “The Sound Of Music”: Behind The Scenes Pics Of Carrie Underwood