Stephenie Meyer Urges ‘Twilight’ Fans: Don’t Name Your Child Renesmee

Stephenie, the author of ‘The Twilight Saga’ is urging fans to not name their child after Edward and Bella Cullen’s own Renesmee! Do you agree? Read on for all the details!

Renesmee is one of the most celebrated characters in The Twilight Saga, but author Stephenie Meyer is “disturbed” that the name has become a trend among new parents!

“I am someone who strongly believes in reality, and that you don’t monkey around with people’s names. Whether they become a stripper or a lawyer has a large part to do with the name you give them. I would never name a real child Renesmee,” Stephenie told Entertainment Weekly.

However, when it comes to fictional work, all bets are off! She continues, “But in fantasy, you can name your characters anything you want. I could’ve named [Bella and Edward’s] child Lindsay. I could’ve named her anything that already exists — it would have felt wrong. I had to pick a name that I felt was completely and totally unique, which opens you up to heckling. Which I’ve taken, I take all my heckling, and I totally get it!”

Twilight character names have already been named as popular picks for newborn babies! But how do YOU feel about Renesmee’s name, HollyMoms? Would you name your baby Renesmee?

Stephenie’s responded to the idea of Renesmee as a trending name saying, “That really disturbs me.”

— Christopher Rogers

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