Blair Waldorf: When Will You Realize Chuck Is A Changed Man?

Blair once again refuses to acknowledge a good thing when it comes along. Why is it so difficult for her to realize that Chuck is different now? He's a changed man for crying out loud! I shamelessly admit that when Dan (Penn Badgley) took Blair (Leighton Meester) to the steps of the Met on the April 9 episode of Gossip Girl to fulfill her dream of being a princess-- it was pretty darn cute. During that moment in time, for one tiny second, I thought Dan and Blair are kind of cute together.

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Gossip Girl

But it didn’t take long before I quickly snapped back to reality and came to my senses. Blair wouldn’t have even had the chance to kiss Dan on the steps of the Met if it weren’t for CHUCK (Ed Westwick)!

So while Dan’s gesture was cute, charming or whatever you want to call it — Chuck’s gesture of paying Blair’s dowry was far more meaningful. So where was Chuck’s kiss on the steps of the Met, Blair? Or for the very least — where was his “thank you”?

Instead of being appreciative, Blair got mad at Chuck and accused him of pay her dowry from Prince Louis (Hugo Becker) to win her heart back, but that wasn’t the case — at all. Like Chuck said, he just wanted Blair to be free from the evil prince. He didn’t have any ulterior motives behind paying her dowry.

WHY is it SO difficult for Blair to realize that Chuck isn’t the same scheming man he was at Constance? Especially considering that Blair hasn’t always been an angel herself.

Blair used to be quite devious back in her Constance days. With that being said, you would think Blair would be totally understanding and believe Chuck when he says he’s a changed man. Right?

Blair really needs to shape up and accept Chuck for who he is now: a changed, good-hearted man. He really is just looking out for Blair’s best interest.

Blair may not be in love with Chuck at the moment, (I’m convinced this is just a phase for B) but the least she could do is thank him for freeing her and lend him a helping hand when he needs it — like he did last night.

What do you think, HollywoodLifers? Are you sick of Blair’s selfish ways? Vote and weigh in below.

— Nicole Karlis

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