Jennifer Aniston Spills: How I Lost The Weight I Gained After I Quit Smoking

First of all Jennifer - congratulations on kicking a nasty habit that is so bad for your health and for your looks! Now, here's how she kicked the pounds she gained after she quit smoking. Her diet and workout secrets are revealed here for YOU! Jennifer Aniston stays fit and slim by working out almost everyday; at least five or six times a week and it shows! Now the star of the new film Wanderlust tells InStyle how she gets her fabulous figure and how you can too!

Reading Time: 2 minute

Her workout plan:

  • 40 minutes of cardio: spinning, running, the elliptical, or a combination of all three
  • Pilates one day a week
  • Yoga three days a week


Her go-to workout music:


Her food faves:

  • Salmon
  • Quinoa
  • Lentils
  • Green veggies
  • Occasional splurge on fried foods and Mexican!


If Jen isn’t around a gym and wants to workout, she makes use of a pair of 8 pound weights. “It’s always good to do arm exercises when you’re watching television or talking on the phone,” she explains.

Recently Jen quit smoking and she admitted she put on a few pounds that are hard to lose, “Everybody says it’s normal, but I’d like to get rid of them.”  We think you look great Jen!

–Giovanna Pagliarulo


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