'Teen Mom 2' Recap: Jenelle Evans And Kieffer Delp Have A VIOLENT Fight Over His Drinking

Jenelle and Kieffer's shocking fight gets scary FAST when he pushes her, Kailyn worries her mom will kick her and her baby out, Chelsea takes Adam back against her dad's wishes and Leah receives disturbing, frightening news about Ali's health! In episode two of Teen Mom 2, the drama heats up and there's a lot to talk about this week! Were you as shocked as I was when Kieffer pushed Jenelle? What do you think is wrong is baby Ali? Seriously, why does Chelsea keep taking Adam back? And what's up with Kailyn's mom? Here's what happened:

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Chelsea Houska: Chelsea keeps getting distracted from studying for the GED — first it was Aubree playing, now it’s Adam Facebooking her to get back together. At this rate, she’ll never take the test. To top it off, she tripped on the stairs and hurt her knee again. She’s going to need surgery, but she’s got more important things to worry about — whether or not she should take Adam back (She will). But her friends and family aren’t Team Adam. “I’m still going to be here when he breaks your heart again,” her friend warns. And Poppa Houska isn’t happy either. Chelsea gets upset and takes Adam back. “I just hope that this time it lasts,” she says. It probably won’t.

Leah Messer: Corey’s been supportive about her working, but she’s already going to take a day off to take little Ali to an eye exam. Her glasses seem to be working, but her eyes are still crossed. Leah just wants an answer. The doctor tells her some good news and bad news. Good news: Ali won’t need surgery. Bad news: She’ll need an MRI ASAP. Leah doesn’t want her daughter sedated twice in one year, but she wants to find out what’s wrong. Meanwhile, baby Aleeah takes her first two steps!

Kailyn Lowry: Kailyn comes home from work late one night to find a charming passive-agressive note from her mom’s boyfriend. He says she needs to clean her room, etc… but Kailyn’s upset her mom didn’t stick up for her. “I can’t trust her, she’ll run back to her stupid boyfriend,” she complains to a friend. Unsure whether or not her mom will kick her out, Kailyn decides to find a place of her own. She’s too embarrassed to go on welfare, but she finds a nonprofit that’s a good compromise. They pay rent, but only temporarily while they teach her how to budget for her own place. Eventually she’ll be able to save up and pay on her own. She and Isaac find a suitable apartment lickety split, and she’s ready to move!

Jenelle Evans: Jenelle’s story begins with her waking up after a night spent sleeping in her car with Kieffer. For her, things can’t get worse: She’s kicked out of the house and can’t see Jace. For Kieffer things are rough because she won’t drive him to go gamble while she’s at the library. Ever the charmer, that Kieffer. “You’re acting like a b*tch,” he tells her. She gives in and takes him gambling, but not without a fight. Later, the couple goes bowling with her friends. Unfortunately, they don’t make it past the parking lot. Kieffer has snuck alcohol in, and she’s not happy. She doesn’t like him drinking around her, and he ends up storming out of the car. She throws something at him, he grabs her, pushes her into the car and she runs off. Kieffer tries to catch up to her and calm her down, but it looks like it’s too late.

WOW! Well I can’t wait to see what happens next week, can you? Which story line was your favorite? What do you think will happen?

-Anna Moeslein

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