'Desperate Housewives' Recap: Bree Learns Who Took The Body!

Now two more people know about the murder! How much longer can the 'Housewives' keep their secret? This season's Desperate Housewives mystery has been pretty predictable thus far, but I have to admit the Nov. 6 episode threw me for a loop. Bree (Marcia Cross) discovered that Ben (Charles Mesure) is the one who dug up Gaby's (Eva Longoria) stepfather's corpse last week, but what's even more surprising is that he's actually helping her keep the murder a secret!

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But just when Bree thought she could rest easy, she got a little visit from everyones’ favorite bitter detective Chuck (Jonathan Cake), who made it very clear he knows what really went down that night. Ben may have gotten Mike (James Denton) to dispose of the body for good, but it looks like Chuck will remain a thorn in the Housewives‘ side for a little while longer.

Meanwhile, Lynette (Felicity Huffman) finally realized what the rest of us have known for the past seven seasons: She’s a huge bitch. By turning her kids against Tom’s (Doug Savant) new girlfriend, she’s slowly been destroying their family — and she finally decided she’s had enough.

And Susan’s (Teri Hatcher) little art-school officially became interesting this week! She became furious with the girls for keeping secrets from her — they didn’t tell her about discovering the missing body OR about Bree’s Marcy Alice-inspired letter — so she unleashed her anger upon an unsuspecting canvas, recreating the fateful burial from the season premiere.

On next week’s episode, Susan’s painting gets chosen for an art exhibit — and it doesn’t take very much analysis for Chuck to figure out who the four women are! (Susan, what is wrong with you?!)

— Andy Swift

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