Is Rihanna Planning To Adopt? New Report Claims She's Trying To Become A Mom To A Haitian Child!

The singer admitted last year that she wants to adopt one day, because she's scared of childbirth -- now sources say she's started making arrangements! Rihanna is in the process of adopting a child from earthquake ravaged Haiti, according to a sensational new report! Do you think she's ready to be a mom?

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The 23-year-old is “dead-set on becoming a mom to a child from Haiti, and she’s just had lawyers make contacts,” an insider tells the National Enquirer.

The report seems a little far fetched — surely Rihanna’s far too busy partying to contemplate settling down — but she did discuss adoption, and let slip her maternal side, during an interview last year.

She told Liverpool, England’s Radio City 96.7: “I’m really scared of the actual childbirth situation but I do want to be a mom one day. Even if I have to adopt, I want to be a mom.” But is she ready already? The National Enquirer‘s insider says yes — even claiming parents-to-be Beyonce and Jay-Z are encouraging Rihanna to go ahead and adopt ASAP!

“She’s getting enthusiastic support from mentor Jay-Z and wife Beyonce,” the source reveals, adding she “asked them to be godparents!”

“Rihanna doesn’t see herself having a biological child anytime soon because she doesn’t have a man in her life – plus, after all the drama with Chris Brown, she’s suspicious of guys.”

“But mainly, she says, she needs to make her life less about her and more about someone else.”
Hmmm… we’re still not convinced. What do YOU think, HollyMoms?

— Ian Garland

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