Patrick Dempsey & Ellen Pompeo Went To Dinner — I Hope They Spoke About Staying On 'Grey's Anatomy'!

Yesterday Shonda Rhimes tweeted she hoped Patrick and Ellen would renew their Grey's Anatomy contracts which expire after this upcoming season, and then the pair went to dinner! Coincidence? I hope not! When news broke that Patrick Dempsey might not renew his contract for Grey's Anatomy, I nearly lost it. What would Seattle Grace be without Mer and Der? But there's still hope that Patrick and Ellen Pompeo could sign up for more seasons, and yesterday Shonda Rhimes tweeted "hope they stay" in reference to the two lead characters, admitting her heart would break if they left. Then, hours later, Patrick and Ellen went to dinner together at Dan Tana's in LA. Maybe it's my ridiculous Grey's obsession clouding my judgment but could they have been discussing contract negotiations? Or made a top secret pact that they would both make the same decision? Something that could work to fans' advantage ... or extreme disadvantage.

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I understand I’m being a bit of a conspiracy theorist here. I get that. But Patrick and Ellen are good friends, and I could see them agreeing to either both stay or both leave the show at the same time. Because otherwise, if they don’t do the same thing, there are only two unthinkable options left. If only one of them leaves, and one is left behind than either Meredith Grey/Derek Sheperd dies (terrible) or they split up (worse).

Now, I’m fully aware that Patrick and Ellen may have just been going out to dinner as friends and not as coworkers. But filming begins next week and the decisions have to be made soon if Shonda is going to write the season in preparation for them leaving.

What do you guys think? Do you think they discussed renewing their contracts? Is half of Mer/Der better than no Mer/Der at all? Or if, (eek), they both leave would it be better because we can have them together in our heads? Discuss your innermost Mer/Der thoughts below!

Lorena O’Neil

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