Is It A Betrayal To Flirt With Your BFF's Ex Like Ashley Tisdale Is Doing To Vanessa Hudgens With Zac Efron?

Should you ever hang out with a friend's ex or is that always a no go? Vanessa Hudgens was absolutely heartbroken when she and longtime BF Zac Efron split last December, but it hasn't been until recently that she was able to move on with Hunger Games star Josh Hutcherson. Although she's in a new relationship, it might have seemed like a betrayal when her best friend, Ashley Tisdale, was caught frolicking with Zac over July 4th weekend. Is it OK for Ashley to flirt with her BFF's ex?

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Ashley looked like she was getting pretty cozy on a Malibu beach with Zac July 2, even riding on his shoulders at one point. She certainly appeared to be flirting with the Charlie St. Cloud star. Still, Ash and Zac have been friends since 2005 since appearing in the first High School Musical flick together — which, incidentally, was where she met and became besties with Vanessa.

Although they definitely do seem to be flirting in these photos, Zac may be using Ashley as a last-ditch attempt to get Vanessa back, according tona source.

“Zac is still not over Vanessa,” the source says. “His heart is broken and he can’t get over her. He may seem happy on the outside, but inside he is hurting. He regrets ever ending his relationship with Vanessa. And seeing Vanessa with Josh Hutcherson just drives him crazy. He wants Vanessa back! Maybe his public flirting with Ashley Tisdale is his way of trying to get Vanessa’s attention. It’s odd because Zac and Ashley are really good friends. They certainly look like they are more than just friends in the photos of them on the beach. Let’s face it – Zac is single and hot, maybe Ashley’s true feelings for him are now just coming out!”

However, it seems that Ashley may want Zac, and although in her heart of hearts she realizes it’s probably never going to happen, sometimes your heart and head tell you two different things.

To answer the question, yes, it is a complete betrayal of your best friend to date her ex. Even if it’s an ex of five years or ten years or more, you cannot ever date someone a friend has loved in the past. It isn’t right, and will harm your friendship.

Ashley and Zac are friends, and Vanessa realizes this. But when she sees these photos, she’s going to feel hurt, angry and deceived. It doesn’t matter that she may have moved on — Zac is going to always have an important place in her heart.

If I were Ashley, I’d keep my paws off Zac. The touchy-feely stuff isn’t something you do with a male pal when you’re clad in nothing but a bikini or you’re all wet or when he happens to be someone that’s been intimate with your bestie. There are other fish in the sea, Ashley, so go find them and stop fishing for affection from your BFF’s ex!


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