Bonnie Says Recap: 'RHONY' Kelly Bensimon Warns Alex McCord That She'll Be 'Iced' If Husband Doesn't Stop 'Mean-Tweeting!'

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Alex McCord and husband Simon Van Kempen totally weirded out Jill Zarin, Kelly Bensimon and Countess LuAnn and even I got weirded out by their bizarre behavior.

Yes, I know Jill Zarin isn’t always blameless when it comes to the RHONY feuds, but I felt badly for Jill when she was cornered by creepy Simon at Ramona Singer‘s bash last night , June 30th, in the latest episode of Real Housewives of New York.

“I have to talk to you,” Simon insists to Jill in the middle of what was supposed to be a good time party for Ramona and Sonja‘s birthdays. “I know you’ve made up with my wife Alex, but you haven’t made up with me,” he blurts out.

That’s weird enough. How many men would want to be embroiled in a deep relationship or any kind of relationship with their wife’s friend? But it’s even weirder, how persistent he is about cornering Jill.

It’s uncomfortable to watch poor Jill who smartly tries to joke to Simon about his strange behavior — but Nooo, he’s deadly serious. But it turns out that Simon isn’t the least bit joking around. He’s insistent that he wants Jill to meet him later for a drink or lunch so she can beg HIM for forgiveness.

I was all with Jill — who wanted nothing to do with a Simon get together — as were Kelly and the Countess who wisely advised her to stay away from him. “What kind of man suggests meeting to talk?” Kelly questions. So true! What man EVER wants to talk?!

Nevertheless, Simon can’t be put off. He creepily tells Jill to “watch out” which understandably freaks her out. Who wants to be threatened? And apparently, Jill worries that Simon is about to “cyber bully” her AGAIN. Apparently he’s “mean-tweeted” her already!

Meanwhile, Ramona Singer is beside herself with excitement because she’s surprising Sonja Morgan with the joint birthday party. She loves Sonja “like a sister” and wants to bring a little happiness to Sonja who’s been struggling with bankruptcy proceedings. She even has a special slideshow made showing she and Sonja 20 years ago.

Poor Ramona and Sonja though because all the happy proceedings are being derailed by Alex and Simon. Alex refuses to call off her husband from threatening Jill and assures her husband, she’s sticking with him and Jill can go stuff herself if she won’t meet and makeup with Simon.

The situation is SOO serious that Kelly feels compelled to stage a ” pancake” intervention. She asks Alex out for — I’m assuming breakfast — because it’s pancakes — and tells her that Simon is doing all these weird things including “mean tweeting” and she has to get her husband to stop. She calls Simon a “pageant dad” and tells Alex that she’s like his “6-year-old daughter.”

Alex, can’t believe what she’s hearing, and frankly, neither can I and Alex starts getting all red in the neck and says she’s “amazed that anyone would think she’d take their side over her own husband.”

But Kelly is amazed that Alex doesn’t realize that she’s trying to “defend” Alex. “I’m reaching out to you to make sure you’re ok,” she says. “I always do.”

Now the price that Alex and Simon will pay for going down the road of weird behavior and mean-tweeting is revealed. “You’ll get iced out. You’re going to get yourself iced out,” she warns.

What that means — I don’t know. Who will be doing the icing? Kelly, Jill and LuAnn? Sonja and Ramona too? All of NYC? The entire world? It isn’t clear. But it does promise a very interesting and bitchy as always next episode.

Can’t wait!

— Bonnie Fuller


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