Witchcraft Spell Helps 'Infertile' Woman Get Pregnant!

Claire Anderson asked white witch Wendy Binks to cast a spell after doctors told her she had a BILLION-IN-ONE chance of conceiving naturally. Amazingly it worked -- and Claire is now a proud mom of two! Is this for real?

Reading Time: 2 minute

Claire Anderson, 28, from England, underwent fertility treatment after doctors told her she had polycistic ovaries AND her husband Stephen had low sperm motility. After two years she still hadn’t conceived and many couples would have given up — but not Claire and Stephen!

Clinging onto the now faint hope that they could still be parents, the couple sought out the help of Wendy Binks, 41, who cast a series of fertility spells.

She ordered them to adopt a more healthy diet and put the couple on a specially designed ‘lunar sex schedule!’

Six months later Claire was stunned to discover she was pregnant. And then six months after baby Eleanor Marie was born in September 2009 she found out she was pregnant again, with son Stephen Jr., who was born in November 2010.

Claire’s not entirely convinced witchcraft is responsible for her baby miracle — but she’s sure she owes it all to Wendy: “I don’t know if it was magic, or just the fact that we were finally allowing ourselves to relax, but whatever it was Wendy certainly helped us to realise our dream and I can’t thank her enough!’

What do you think, HollyMoms? Real magic or mumbo jumbo?

— Ian Garland

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