Arnold Schwarzenegger Paid Mistress $10,000 A Month In Child Support & Took 2nd Family On Trips to Disneyland!

The cheating superstar even attended his love child's Christening... WITH MARIA! Can you believe it? As more details of Arnold Schwarzenegger's secret life emerge, it appears he spared no expense on his second family and kept mistress Mildred 'Patty' Baena and their son constantly close at hand.

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According to Star magazine, Arnold paid Patty $10,000 in child support payments, on top of the $1,000 week she earned cleaning his California mansion. He also bought her a new SUV and put two hefty down payments totaling $65,000 on the Bakersfield, California home she shares with her son.

He’s also claimed to have footed the bill for countless lavish spending sprees and even took Patty and his son to Disneyland and Universal Studios, where they posed for a family portrait that takes pride of place in Patty’s home!

Patty’s friends tell Star she was able to keep up her affair with Arnold, because he and wife Maria Shriver lived “separate lives,” but that didn’t stop mistress and wife from rubbing shoulders at a series of family events.

Brazen Arnold even took his wife to the Christening of his love child in 1999, and invited Patty to his inauguration as California Governor in 2007. Maria and Patty are captured on camera TOGETHER at both events.

Can you believe how bold Arnold was HollyMoms? Carrying on a secret life right under his wife’s nose for years!

— Ian Garland

More on Arnold scandal:

  1. Jane Seymour Claims Arnold Schwarzenegger Has Two More Love Children!
  2. Does Arnold have ANOTHER love child?!
  3. Experts Say Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Children Will Suffer Most From Love Child Saga!