How Ashley Hebert Beat Chantal O'Brien To Be 'Bachelorette'!

Wow! Do you think Chantal would have made a better 'Bachelorette' than Ashley? Here's how Chantal lost her chance! Talk about a battle of the roses! ABC asked Chantal O' Brien -- one of the final two contenders on Brad Womack's second season of The Bachelor -- to be the next Bachelorette before they approached Ashley Hebert, who now holds the title.

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Courtesy of Sports Illustrated

ā€œChantal quite possibly would have been our Bachelorette, if she hadnā€™t not, quote-unquote,ā€™ fallen in love with some goofball in Seattle,ā€ Bachelore/Bachelorette creator and producer Mike Fleiss tells Entertainment Weekly. ā€œIā€™m sure theyā€™ll be together forever.ā€

When Chantal turned ABC down, the network had to go with their second choice ā€” Ashley.

ā€œSheā€™s kind of cool, sheā€™s spunky and sheā€™s got a lot personality,ā€ says Mike.

ā€œItā€™s also the first time we had an actual professional woman as a Bachelorette,ā€ adds Mike. ā€œSheā€™s not a party planner, sheā€™s a dentist!ā€ Ashley will finish up her studies at the University of Pennsylvania after filming The Bachelorette and before she starts practicing.

ā€œThatā€™s a good step for us,ā€ says Mike. ā€œI think itā€™s a cool good lesson for young ladies out there to see an accomplished woman still struggling to put the personal side of her life together. Thatā€™s something a lot of women can relate to. She will be a different kind of Bachelorette!ā€

You can say that again! But what about Chantal ā€” how is her love life working out with her new man, Jeff Razore?

ā€œI think because of my experience, itā€™s allowed me to be where I am now and be in a relationship,ā€ Chantal tells People.

BFFs ā€” would you have rather seen Chantal as The Bachelorette instead of Ashley?

ā€“ Lindsey DiMattina

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