Lorena's Grey's Anatomy Recap: Are Avery and Lexie About To Get Together?

Avery and Lexie showcase a bit of chemistry while Meredith choses between Derek and her mother's clinical trials in the "Pretty Young Things" episode I don't know about you guys, but I think Lexie Grey (Chyler Leigh) deserves to have a freak out or two. She recently found out her boyfriend --who she just forgave for trying to force her to raise his grandchild -- is having a baby with his bi-sexual best friend. And now, her father is admitted to the hospital for kidney stones and she discovers he's dating someone for the first time since her mother died. And not just any someone. A 27-year-old "tatted up skank" someone.

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With all of that going on it is no wonder Lexie needs 500 peanut butter cups and a good old-fashioned “get out of my way” screaming session at the woman who is her age, has a hooker tattoo on her arm, and starts describing her sexual experiences with Thatcher Grey.

And although Lexie tries to turn to her big sister for help, Meredith (Ellen Pompeo) tells her to grow up and let Thatcher be happy, because she’s too busy picking between Derek Sheperd’s (Patrick Dempsey) Alzheimer and her mom’s diabetes clinical trials.

So, only one episode after finding out Mark Sloan (Eric Dane) is having a baby with Callie (Sara Ramirez) and Arizona (Jessica Capshaw), Lexie is left all alone. That is until Mark tells Jackson Avery (Jesse Williams) he can perform a plastic surgery if he comforts Lexie. Mark tells Avery to feed Lexie in order to get her talking, and Mcpretty-eyes does just that. But he protects Lexie’s privacy by telling Mark the peanut butter cups didn’t work, and what at first seems like a move based solely on friendship starts to look a little suspicious at the end when Avery asks Lexie for a drink. I think Avery has had a crush on Lexie for some time and while it’s been put on the table while she reconnected with Mark, he may have his opening.

But that’s not all that happened in last night’s episode of Grey’s Anatomy. Here’s more:

  • Callie spends much of the episode worrying about whether or not she should have coffee. Mark and Arizona “outvoted” her and said it would be unhealthy for the baby. But at the end she says she can have one cup a day and the baby will be fine. She also clarifies that she, her lady parts, and her baby each count for a vote so she has three total against the other two parents’ single votes each.
  • Alex Karev (Justin Chambers) butts heads with new doctor Lucy Fields (Rachael Taylor) when he calls a brain-dead yet-to-be-born baby a “turnip in a cabbage patch”. But by the end of the day Lucy realizes how much Karev cares about his patients and they have a sexual tension-filled moment (right?!) in the elevator before she turns him down.
  • Lexie made me laugh when she pointed out that it wasn’t the “tatted up skank” that was the b*tch, it was her. Thatcher’s new girlfriend was actually nice, sober, and maybe not just his “mid-life crisis”.
  • Dr. Owen Hunt (Kevin McKidd) saved up his anger with his stunt-loving patient until the end, telling him he’d once had a patient who died after being more beaten up than him. “He threw himself on a grenade to save other soldiers. He didn’t do it for a laugh.”
  • Meredith decided she would rather cure her mother’s disease than work on her legacy. I’d like to say that all of the Alzheimer’s patients they depict on the show have brought tears to my eyes. “Spoon. It’s such a little word. Spoon” said the daughter of a patient when her mom couldn’t remember the third word in a series.

And finally, I’d like to say I love Mark and Lexie together but I think after what she’s been through with Sloan, I wouldn’t blame her for relying on Dr. Jackson Avery. Even Mark notices his good looks! And whose heart didn’t break a little for Lexie when she said “He clobbered me with it again. He’s leaving me behind again.”

So what do you guys think? Are you starting to like Dr. Lucy? Did Meredith make the right choice? Should Avery and Lexie get together?


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