It’s so strange: You went to college, five colleges in fact, before you wrapped up your bachelor of communications degree from the University of Idaho. Your father was a science teacher, your mother was the school secretary, and your brother Chuck is a teacher — so why don’t you EVER promote the value of education even in your own family?
You have no problem speaking out against First Lady Michelle Obama‘s anti-obesity campaign for children. That means you don’t even like the idea of Michelle “educating” parents on the dangers of fattening food.
And having watched every episode of Sarah Palin’s Alaska, I’ve heard you repeatedly laud “family values,” the “work ethic” and the importance of taking individual initiative.
These are all great things BUT I’ve never heard you mention the value of education … once.
And I’m wondering if you are shortchanging your own children by not encouraging and enabling them to go to college. Take Bristol, for example – her dreams of going to college to get a nursing degree were cut short by her teen pregnancy at age 17. Then once she had baby Tripp, now 2, she sadly resigned herself to possibly going to a community college to study real estate instead.
And even that was dependent on getting free babysitting from her father Todd, sister Willow and other family members, she said.
Now Sarah, why should her dreams and opportunities be cut short because she was a teen mom? You can afford to send her to college and help her with babysitting or day care costs! It’s estimated that you’ve earned up to $12 million since resigning from your position as Governor of Alaska.
Your books, your speaking engagements, your FoxNews commentating position and your reality show have all raked in big bucks for you. Plus, Bristol may have earned enough from Dancing with the Stars to have at least paid for her own college tuition.
But have you, Sarah, pushed Bristol to do what only two percent of teen moms are able to do — earn a college degree by the age of 30?
There’s absolutely no evidence that the answer to that question is – yes!
So I’m wondering: Are you just too cheap to help Bristol financially, or do you feel that it’s important that Bristol be “punished” for her pregnancy by having college withheld? OR do you truly believe your own propaganda – that an “elitist” college education offers no value for your daughter?
Sarah you certainly aren’t pushing college for your oldest son Track either. After serving a tour in Iraq, you are encouraging him to take up a career as a salmon fisherman, following in the footsteps of his dad, Todd.
I have nothing against fishing as a career, but what’s wrong with a college degree and then fishing. At least he’ll be equipped to transition to another career should salmon fishing go bust.
“It’s important that parents and youths be aware that there are constraints in not having a higher education. If you’re rolling the dice, there are certainly more career choices,” agrees Reed Larson, a professor of human development at the University of Illinois.
If you Sarah aren’t promoting the value of a college education to your own children, you are denying them HUGE opportunities beyond going camping in the wilds of Alaska or dancing their way into our hearts for a reality show season. “If parents don’t encourage their kids, there is a large possibility that they won’t go to college,” points out Jeff Gardere, a clinical psychologist and host of Dad Camp on Twist TV.
What I’d hate to think is that you, Sarah, see it as politically detrimental to your folksy, down-home image to have your children go to college.
You’ve slammed President Obama repeatedly for being an elitist and now, horrors, you don’t want to be painted as one in any way.
“If there is a brand to support, it’s possible she’d use all facets of her life to promote that brand,” believes psychologist and attorney Sheila Forman.
I’d hate to say that might be the case. But if it’s not, then Sarah Palin– Why don’t you give Bristol an opportunity to have a bigger and more long-term future than just being a reality star?
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