EXCLUSIVE! Oh No! Has Drew Barrymore Lost Too Much Weight?

Getty Images, Courtesy Of Bazaar Magazine

Our jaws dropped after seeing recent pics of Drew Barrymore looking almost too trim for her own good! HollywoodLife.com talked to weight experts to get the skinny regarding Drew’s dramatic weight loss!

We love Drew Barrymore because she’s always looked, well, normal. Seeing her at a healthy weight and embracing her curves has made her stand out in Hollywood, but now it looks like she may have given in to the pressure of the spotlight to be pin-thin and we’re not sure how we feel about Drew’s new look.

HollywoodLife.com spoke to certified personal trainer, Tara Zimliki, about the 35-year-old who says Drew has become underweight for her 5’4″ frame.

“Drew Barrymore’s recent drastic weight loss may flag signs of poor health,” she says. “Drew has fluctuated in weight for years and her most recent weight change were a result of her taking off pounds very quickly. This weight loss could be due to starvation or exercise anorexia. It is important to lose weight at a steady pace for health reasons, as also this increases the likelihood of keeping the weight off.”

In addition to Tara’s observations, she says there are risks to rapid weight loss including:

* Gallstones, which occur in 12% to 25% of people losing large amounts of weight over several months.
* Dehydration, which can be avoided by drinking plenty of fluids.
* Malnutrition, usually from not eating enough protein for weeks at a time.
* Electrolyte imbalances, which rarely can be life threatening. In Drew’s case if she exercising frequently, it is important she is replenishing her electrolytes before, during and after her workouts.

Eeek! Sounds scary! In Drew’s defense MyDailyTrainer.com founder, certified trainer and fitness expert, Kristin Anderson says Drew still looks fantastic…if not the best she’s ever looked!

“She looks healthy, so my guess is she increased and changed her cardio routine while adding more body weight oriented strength training. Like pilates, yoga, lunges, push ups, planks,” she says.

“Because she looks so healthy I would say she did cardio 4-6 days a week and toning work 3-4 days a week. She still has ‘her’ body but just the very best version of it. This is a great example of losing weight in your legs, hips, abs and arms while having beautiful tone and a healthy face (not gaunt)- and it is healthy and realistic to maintain– good going, Drew!”

Drew, we love you the way you were. Don’t worry about losing anymore weight and think about putting some back on!

Aimee Curran with reporting by Sarah Rose Attman

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