Sophia Bush Outraged Over Urban Outfitters' 'Eat Less' T-Shirt & Calls For A Boycott! Will You Be Joining Her?

Getty Images, Courtesy of Urban Outfitters

The One Tree Hill star is FURIOUS at the retail chain for selling a t-shirt that says “Eat Less!”

Sophia Bush, 28, has always been an avid promoter of healthy body images for women, but now she’s taking her cause to new heights by launching a boycott against Urban Outfitters. “I have been a supporter of your store for many years, but now I’m through,” she writes in an open letter to the retail chain, which she posted on her blog. “Perhaps some of the American population could stand to take the shirt’s advice, but for those impressionable teens who shop at Urban Outfitters, its message is more pro-anorexia than anything, especially when worn by an emaciated model.”

She continues to rip into Urban Outfitters in her letter, saying: “You should issue a public apology, and make a hefty donation to a women’s organization that supports those stricken with eating disorders. I am sickened that anyone, on any board, in your gigantic company would have voted ‘yes’ on such a thing, let alone enough of you to manufacture an item with such a hurtful message. It’s like handing a suicidal person a loaded gun. You should know better.”

Sophia’s passion for body image issues also carries into her hit TV show One Tree Hill. Her character, fashion designer Brooke Davis, sees a rail-thin model in one episode and proclaims, “Anorexia is a disease! It is NOT a fashion statement!” And more recently, Brooke launched an entire clothing line out of the phrase “Zero is not a size,” inspired by her real-sized assistant, Millicent.

Personally, I couldn’t agree more with Sophia’s message. Many of my close friends, who are curvy but not fat, already steer clear of the self-confidence killer known as Urban Outfitters. But what do YOU think, HollywoodLifers? Will you be joining Sophia in her crusade against the store?

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