Beach Body Ready
How To Get
Physically and Mentally
Summer is on the way, and many may be a little nervous about slipping into a swimsuit. Relax! Here’s some advice to help you feel comfortable baring all this season.
Nutrition therapist at Breathe Life Healing Center, Ashley Lytwyn, RDN shares her tips on how to feel beach body ready, both physically and mentally.
Adjust Your Mindset: If you’re not where you want to be physical, stop yourself from thinking about the short-term, quick fix and consider what the long-term, sustainable changes might be.
Avoid Fad Diets: “Most of these diets cut out food groups that will lead to deprivation-led-binges.”
Incorporate Fitness Into Your Daily Routine: Lytwyn suggests, “Write down three activities that you love to do. Any type of movement is acceptable and incorporating things that you love will be easier to incorporate.”
Remember, No One Is Perfect: Beach days, summer vacations, & BBQs – the warmer days are chances to reconnect with fam & friends. They are not to ‘look perfect’.