The Best Workouts

For Your Butt

With Celebrity Trainer 


Sitting all day while working from home? 

Looking to get your butt back in shape?

 Celebrity Trainer 

has the workout and tips for you!


Grab a resistance band.

Put it above your knees. Then squat.

Move to the ankles and walk it out.

Next, time to side kick.

Remember to do both legs.

..and remember, deep breaths! 

Time to take it to the floor.

First, a glute bridge clamshell.

Another great move is the donkey kick!

Also try around the world movements, 

but keep them small. 

Back to the glute bridge clam

but this time, elevated.

End with these side obliques...

connect knee to elbow!

To take Sami’s full booty workout, swipe up below!

Images courtesy of Sami Clarke